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Yann Barthès, Dilcrah, Netflix, Frontex, Bellingcat... Découvrez les publications papier et numériques de l'Observatoire du journalisme.
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Respect Zone : nouvelle extension du domaine de la censure

19 novembre 2017

Temps de lecture : 3 minutes
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Respect Zone : nouvelle extension du domaine de la censure

Temps de lecture : 3 minutes

If Houellebecq at the time spoke of the extension of the field of struggle, the field of censorship continues to spread frankly or insidiously. Recently, the European Union promoted semantic censorship among journalists and communicators. Editions Au bord de l’eau bring their complacent scissors with the publication of a book entitled Internet against Interh @ te, 50 proposals to detox social networks . Analysis of a mutant variant of the digital thought font.

The Inter­net which rep­re­sents a new space of free­dom wor­ries the dom­i­nant thought. And if the read­er / lis­ten­er / spec­ta­tor would think for him­self out­side the dom­i­nant dis­course? Worse, if he would express him­self with­out a good Samar­i­tan fil­ter his speech? A rel­e­vant solu­tion: put a gag before­hand. And super­vise it close­ly, for its good.

Respect first and foremost

The rap­pers — all wor­thy of esteem, well behaved and respect­ful — have only one word in their mouths: the refect . Respect, key word of the afore­men­tioned work. Through the hunt (invol­un­tar­i­ly com­ic) to the “bad words” the authors immo­late the pas­tries heads of negro, set­tle his account to the pain with the elbow called lit­tle Jew and oth­er heads of Turk­ish . Even if ”  bring­ing these old-fash­ioned expres­sions to tri­al is often per­ceived as an attack on free­dom of expres­sion  ” (sic). To pro­tect young blond heads (brunettes or red­heads) the same must be true for the dig­i­tal because ”  the par­o­dy is accept­able if it does not car­ry xeno­pho­bic or racist ideas for the pur­pose of exclu­sion “. Sin by intent is as seri­ous as sin by action, how to warn poor fish­er­men? And how to pun­ish sin? By exclud­ing the imped­i­ments to think of each other.

Respect by the digital gag

If good things — the book says — have been made by the Ger­man author­i­ties by impos­ing by law the pos­si­bil­i­ty of heavy fines for access providers and own­ers of social net­works that would spread “hate speech”, the authors swarm nice ideas to ”  install respect and pos­i­tive think­ing  “, in oth­er words to re-edu­cate the pub­lic. Some exam­ples :

- Estab­lish a dig­i­tal com­pli­ance barom­e­ter that ”  mea­sures site com­pli­ance  “. Non-com­pli­ant you will be standardized.

- Cre­ation of a data­base of con­spir­a­cy sites and ”  cre­ation of an index of plat­forms spe­cial­ized in hate  “. The black­list­ing — once a spe­cial­ty of the Catholic Church — is back on the agen­da this time dressed in new mod­ernist attire.

- Cre­ation of a label for com­pa­nies, lib­er­al pro­fes­sions, Inter­net users who ”  choose a cer­ti­fied exter­nal con­trol of their lev­el of com­pli­ance  “. It is doubt­ful whether the authors have re-read this phrase that evokes irre­sistibly 1984 George Orwell, Vichy or the sweet Stal­in­ist era.

- Cre­ation of edu­ca­tion­al tools to help edu­ca­tors raise aware­ness of ”  meth­ods of fight­ing against the inter­est  “. Pro­pa­gan­da must start at school.

The rest is in keep­ing. An edi­tor of the Obser­va­to­ry of Jour­nal­ism has tried to fol­low these fifty pre­scrip­tions lit­er­al­ly for a month, he sent us a long let­ter, sum­ma­riz­ing his expe­ri­ence, which we extract the last lines:


Every­one will have rec­og­nized the last three sen­tences of Win­ston Smith, George Orwell’s unfor­tu­nate 1984 hero .

Pho­to cred­it: Adobe Stock

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